On my birthday this year, my dear friend Peter Levitov stopped by on his way through town. This made for a birthday filled with beautiful music. One of the best on record!
I wanted to share some of the jams that we enjoyed that day. Hope you enjoy them as well!
The first jam that day was of me on Peter’s Golden Gate and he on my Silverado. These are both Halos made by Pantheon Steel.
We then moved to the SPB and Hang. This was a nice blend as they are a similar scale. I am playing my SPB Kurd9 and Peter is playing his Integral Hang.
Wasn’t long before the old Db Mystic came out. Was a joy to share with Peter!
We then took a chance at playing around a new theme that I recently found. I am on my Silverado Halo and Peter on his Golden Gate. Also used are my SPB Kurd9 and Peter’s Integral Hang.
I also have some beautiful audio recordings that I hope to share here soon.